Friday, May 22, 2020

Influences of Society Essay - 645 Words

What Influences Society? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Society seems to influence all ages by poisoning our minds with lies and aggression. People all over try to act like different souls because of what we see on television, hear on the radio, and view in the movie theaters. Everyone try’s to dress different, act different, and change their whole life style just to be known like a certain movie star, or singer. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In our society today, it is extremely important to pay attention to what influences children. One of the biggest influences America’s youth may have is the television. It is possible for children to be pulled into the television’s realistic world of violence with sometimes devastating results. The†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When kids hear a certain music group or a performer like Eminem and Britney Spears, they get visions in their heads that they can be them. Britney spears dresses like a slut, acts like a slut, and then gets mad when people call her a slut. Girls growing up see that and try to be that, in which they get raped or assaulted by the way they dress. Eminem raps about drugs, beating women, and other explicit content. In their eyes it’s just music, but in societys eyes, it’s a matter of life or death. If we could abolish these in society, we wouldn’t have kids being murdered, or kids c ommitting suicidal acts because of what they hear. Im not trying to bring anyone down for what they believe in, but that is the way it’s got to be. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hollywood in today’s life evolves around lies, sex, and death. When the movie Natural Born Killers was released, kids were going around killing others just because of what they saw in the movie. Genocidal acts were being committed, meaning certain races were being killed for a certain persons ism, or belief. Movies influence all the bad things that can and will eventually happen. Superman made kids put on capes and jump out of windows, just because they thought they could fly. Were not helping society in any way by creating such movies as the ones I mentioned. All we are doing is agging it on for things like that to happen. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the end, our husbands, wives,Show MoreRelatedInfluence Of Influence On Society970 Words   |  4 Pagescontrol of their lives. While this is true there are many factors that influence that control and sometimes that influence is so strong that it overcomes a person’s intentions. Society influences and effect people every day and comes in many different ways. From the constant peer pressure that teens face to how much someone’s potential income is, it is often times affected by society. In order to fix the negative effects of society, we must first understand what causes them. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Cross-Culture Issues in Business Communication - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1921 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/09/11 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Cross-culture Issues in Business Communication Introduction When travelling in other countries, we often perceive differences in the way people live and work. In the United States dinner is commonly eaten around 6. 00pm; in Spain, it’s not served until 8. 00 or 9. 00pm. In the United States most people shop in large supermarket once or twice a week; Italians tend to shop in smaller grocery stores nearly every day. Everybody has their own culture so businesspeople must keep in mind of their client’s culture. This paper exploring the aesthetics, values and attitudes, manners and customs and language of cultural will affect business practices and national competitiveness. Background Cultural can be grouped into two kinds, such as nation-culture and subcultures. Nation-states support the concept of a national culture by building museums and monuments to preserve the legacies of important events and people. Nation-state also intervenes in business to help preserve their nation cultures. Most nations, for example, regulate culturally sensitive sectors of the economy, such as filmmaking and broadcasting. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cross-Culture Issues in Business Communication" essay for you Create order France continues to voice fears that its language is being tainted with English and its media with U. S. programming. To stem the English invasion, French laws limit the use of English in product packaging and storefront signs. At peak listening times, at least 40 percent of all radio station programming must be reserved for French artists. Similar laws apply to television broadcasting. The French government even fined the local branch of a U. S. university for failing to provide French translation in its English-language site on the World Wide Web. A group of people who share a unique way of life within a larger, dominant culture is called a subculture. Companies must be mindful of subcultures when formulating business strategies. For instance, the customary portrait of Chinese culture often ignores the fact that the total population of China is comprised of more than 50 distinct ethnic groups. Decisions regarding product design, packaging and advertising must consider each group’s distinct culture. Aesthetics Issues Aesthetics is what a culture considers to be in â€Å"good taste† in the arts, the imagery evoked by certain expressions, and the symbolism of certain colours. Aesthetics played an important role in business communication when a firm considers doing business in another culture. Firms must control on selection of appropriate colours for product packaging, advertisement, workers uniform and even the website design to make way of success in their business. For example, red is the favorite colour for Chinese. They believe that red will bring luck to them while for Malays, they love green. Across much of Asia, on the other hand, green associated with sickness. Most of the countries taking black colour as the colour of death and mourning while Japan and most of Asia, it is white. Shoe manufacturer Nike experienced firsthand the importance of imagery and symbolism in international marketing. The company emblazoned a new line of shoes with the word â€Å"Air† written to resemble flames or heat rising off blacktop. There were other names given to the shoes such as Air Bakin’, Air Melt, Air Grill and Air B-Que. But what Nike did not realize that the squiggly lines of the â€Å"Air† logo resembled Arabic script for â€Å"Allah†, the Arabic name for God. Under threat of worldwide boycott by Muslims, who considered it a sacrilege, Nike recalled the shoes and agreed to build several playgrounds in Muslim communities as part of its apology. The importance of aesthetics is just a great when going international using the Internet. When going global an internet presence, the more a company localizes the better. For example, a black-and-white Web site is fine for many countries, but in Asia visitors may think you are inviting them to a funeral. So, the web designer must beware and take concern on choosing colour scheme. Finally, music is also deeply embedded in culture and should be considered when developing promotions. When used correctly, music can be clever and creative addition to a promotion; if used incorrectly, it can be offensive to the local population. The architecture of buildings and other structures should also be researched to avoid making cultural blunders attributable to the symbolism of certain shapes and forms. Values and attitudes Issues Values are important to both individuals and groups. Values are ideas, beliefs and customs to which people are emotionally attached. Values include things like honesty, marital faithfulness, freedom and responsibility. While, attitudes mean to positive or negative evaluations, feelings and tendencies that individuals harbor toward objects or concepts. Attitudes reflect underlying values. Cultural knowledge can help managers decide whether promotions must be adapted to local attitudes in order to maximize the effectiveness of promotional efforts. For instance, it is often believed that people around the world respond similarly toward technological products, so advertising agency Euro RSGG Worldwide surveyed consumers about their attitudes toward technology and their use of technological products in purchasing situations. Among other things, the survey revealed that consumers in the United Kingdom were far more likely to purchase online than Italian and German consumers. It also found that Web sites were useful in Finland as a source of information on technological products but were considered not at all useful by Italians. There are three important aspects of life that directly affect business activities which is attitudes toward time, work and achievement, and cultural change. Examples for attitudes toward time, people in Latin American and Mediterranean cultures are casual about their use of time if compare to the people in Japan and the United States. The Latin, they maintain flexible schedules and would rather enjoy their time than sacrifice it to unbending efficiency. In contrast, people in Japan and the United States typically arrive promptly for meetings, keep tight schedules, and work long hours. An American who has worked in the Middle East for 20 years explains the Middle Eastern concept of the time this way:†A lot of the misunderstandings between Middle Easterners and the foreigners are due to their different concepts of time and space. At worst, there is no concept at all of time in the Middle East. At best, there is a sort of open-ended concept. † (Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1999, p. 263). For attitudes toward work, people in southern France like to say, â€Å"We work to live, while people in the United States live to work. † Work, they say, is for them a means to an end. In the United States, they change; it is an end in itself. Not surprising, the lifestyle in southern France is slower-paced. People tend to concentrate on earning enough money to enjoy a relaxed, quality lifestyle. Businesses practically close down during August, when many workers take month-long paid holidays, usually outside the country. In contrast, this attitude is unheard of in many Asian countries, including Japan. Manners and Customs Issues Understanding others manners and customs helps managers to avoid embracing mistakes and improve the ability to negotiate in other cultures, market products effectively and manage international operations. Appropriate ways of behaving, speaking, and dressing in a culture are called manners. In Arab cultures from the Middle East to northwest Africa, one does not extend a hand to greet an older person unless the elder first offers the greeting. In going first, a younger person would be displaying bad manners. Moreover, because Arab culture considers the left hand the one used for personal hygiene, using it to pour tea or serve a meal is considered very bad manners. Good manners are just as important internationally as when doing business in the home market. Conducting business during meals is common practice in the United States. In Mexico, however, it is poor manners to bring up business discussions in Mexico typically begin when coffee and brandy arrive. Likewise, toasts in the United States tend to be casual and sprinkled with lighthearted humor. In Mexico, where a toast should be philosophical and full of passion, a lighthearted toast would be offensive. When habits or ways behaving in specific circumstances are passed down through generations, they become customs. Customs differ from manners in that they define appropriate habits or behaviors in specific situations. Sharing food gifts during Islamic holy month of Ramadan is a custom. Although giving token gifts to business and government associates is customary in many countries, the proper type of gift varies. A knife, for example, should not be offered to associates in Russia, France, or Germany, where it signals the severing of a relationship. In Japan, gift must be wrapped in such a delicate way it is wise to ask someone trained in the practice to do the honors. It is also Japanese custom not to open a gift in front of the gift giver. So, businesspeople must always keep in mind to their clients’ customs to avoid making embarrassing mistakes or offending people. Personal Communication and Body Language Issues People in every culture have a communication system or a body language to convey thoughts, feeling, and information. Understanding a culture’s spoken language gives us great insight into why people think and act the way that they do. Understanding a culture’s body language helps us avoid sending unintended or embarrassing messages. A lingua franca is a third or â€Å"link† language that is understood by two parties who speak different native languages. The importance of understanding the local language in business is becoming increasingly apparent on the internet. English is the language of roughly two-thirds of all Web pages on the Internet. That is why software solutions providers are assisting companies from English-speaking countries in adapting their Web sites for global e-business. Advertising slogans and company documents must be translated carefully so that messages are received precisely as intended. There are many stories of companies making terrible language blunders in their international business dealings. General Motors’ Chevrolet division made perhaps the most well-known blunder when it first launched its Chevrolet Nova in Spanish-speaking markets. The company failed to notice beforehand that â€Å"No va† means â€Å"No go† in Spanish. Body language communicates through unspoken cues, including hand gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, physical greetings and the manipulation of personal space. For example, navigating all-important handshake in international business can be tricky. In the United States it is a firm grip and can include several pumps of the arm. But in the Middle East and Latin America a softer clasp of the hand with little or no arm pump is the custom and some country, like Japan, people do not shake hands at all, but bow to each other. Bows of respect carry different meanings, usually depending on the recipient. Associates of equal standing bow about 15 degrees toward one another. But proper respect for an elder requires a bow of about 30 degrees. Lastly, bow for apology is about 45 degrees. Conclusion Essentially, we are experiencing differences in culture which the set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a specific group of people. Culture is a highly complex portrait of a people. It includes everything from high-tea in England, to the tropical climate of Barbados, to Mardi Gras in Brazil, to segregation of the sexes in Saudi Arabian schools. Every country got theirs aesthetics, values and attitudes, manners and customs and personal communication and body language. Businesspeople must be always sensitive to the local culture, so that, they will be success in their business in international. References Ball, D. McCulloch, W. (1999). International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition 7th edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies. Griffin, R. Pustay, M. (1996). International Business: A managerial Perspective. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Phatak, A. (1997). International Management: Concepts and Cases. South-Western College Publishing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sexual Harassment Case Study Free Essays

Individual Case Study #1 1. Is there a case of sexual harassment in this situation or is it only fun? This is a case of sexual harassment because; the words and actions of fellow employees ultimately made Rosetta quit her job. The technical definition of harassment is when members of an organization treat an employee in a different manner due to that person’s sex, race, religion, age, and etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Harassment Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Harassment also includes unwelcomed remarks or jokes which make the employee feel uncomfortable. These guys that Rosetta had been working with, as she mentioned were making remarks and asking uncomfortable questions regarding her personal relationships (asking about her boyfriend, asking intimate details and asking if she prefers Canadian men over Italian men), the guys made dirty jokes and purposely made sure that Rosetta heard them, which is another sign of harassment – its causes Rosetta to feel awkward and embarrassed at her workplace (somewhere where she should feel comfortable and safe). Not only, do these guys make dirty jokes, but the manager, Al also contributes and encourages these guys regardless if it’s making another employee uncomfortable. These guys make fun of Rosetta when she comes into work, with remarks like calling her â€Å"Risotto† which in Italian means rice with gravy, not only is this an unwelcomed remark, its taunting her and insulting towards her Italian culture. Another form is harassment is displaying is offensive or pornographic items in a workplace environment. According to Rosetta, these guys post centrefolds pinned on their machines, which are pictures of nude or almost nude women. This is highly inappropriate for the work environment and makes Rosetta uncomfortable. When Rosetta asked these men from refraining to asking awkward and inappropriate questions and to leave her alone, they said that â€Å"Italians are just braggarts† which is derogatory and condescending term against her race. Sexual harassment; a form of harassment, was also present in this situation. Sexual harassment has three different characteristics; the first one being that the encounters must be unwelcomed to the complainant, expressly or implicitly known by the responder to be unwelcomed. This applies to this situation because Rosetta let the guys knows that she did not like the remarks by sayings â€Å"leave me alone† and â€Å"mind your own business† and they still continue to make remarks which leads to the second characteristic; conduct must continue despite the complainant protests, finally the third characteristic is complainants cooperation must be due to employment related threats. Rosetta suffered and took the harassment for so long from the fear of the manager, and being fired from her job. 2. If you were Eva, what would-and could-you do? What are the options? What is the probability of success of each option? Rosetta faced indirect systematic discrimination, which indicates that there is no intention to discriminate, but the system, arrangements, or policies allow it to happen. To begin with, Eva could have talked to the Manager, which she had and it didn’t lead her to positive results. So, she could either go above the manager or go directly to the Human Resource department of that company. This is a long process, which has many steps so Eva could choose to go to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The Canadian Human Rights Act is a federal law that permits discrimination anything under federal jurisdiction, for example banks, airlines, government agencies, radio and TV companies. Areas that are not covered but the federal jurisdiction are covered by the provincial human rights act. The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) is there to supervise and implement any action under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Any person/group that has reasonable ground to believe that they have been discriminated against has the right to file with CHRC. For Eva to report harassment has taken place against Rosetta, she must first take permission from Rosetta, otherwise there is a chance that her complaint could be rejected. However, there are many things that Rosetta has to be careful with, the CHRC does not accept complaints that are over a year old, if the complaint seems trivial or made in bad faith. Eva must report this problem immediately with the correct proof so her complaint wouldn’t be dismissed. After Eva has filed the complaint, it will be further investigated. It will either be ruled as substantiated or non-substantiation, if ruled substantiated, (in support of complainant) then an attempt to make a settlement will be made. If no settlement is made, then the Human Rights Tribunal Panel can be appointed to further investigate the complaint. If they find that there was discrimination against Rosetta, then she will be compensated as seen appropriate. Eva can also file a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights laws and commission, which will investigate the complaint (also with the consent of Rosetta) and a settlement will be offered to satisfy both parties if no settlement is reached, then complaint will be further investigated. Both these processes are very long, but proven in favour of the complaint many times. However, there are times where there is no discrimination/harassment found in the case. Another thing Eva could do is try to implement the employment equity program within the organization. This program (usually run by employers) is used to undo past employment discrimination and prevent future discrimination and create equal employment opportunity within the company. Eva, with the help of the HR department could use this program and the example of Rosetta to prevent future situations like this by educating the employees about the laws, and diversity. It can also help undo the harassment that Rosetta faced. . What are Al’s responsibilities in this instance? Did he carry them out well? Why or why not? Employers, or managers have one basic responsibility towards their employees, which is to provide a safe environment for their employees and Al, as the manager failed to do so. The job of managers/supervisors is to know the law and to implement it within their organization/team. His responsibility is to be aware of what harassment is, different types of harassments a nd the signs of harassed workers. His responsibility as a manager was to put a stop to the harassment and discrimination Rosetta was facing, and report those employees to the Human Resources Department or to the CHRC. Not only did he fail to put a stop to the harassment, he failed to report it and was also part taking in the harassment by encouraging the jokes those guys were making that made Rosetta feel uncomfortable. Another responsibility of a manager is to have good communication not only within the team members but good employee-to-manager communication which is failed to establish with Rosetta. She did not feel comfortable talking to her manager about the harassment, which ultimately made her quit her job because she felt she had no one to talk to and ask for help. Al, also fails to recognize the harassment happening and blames it on Rosetta not being able to take the jokes lightly and took the accusation of Rosetta being harassed very lightly. He did not carry his responsibilities out well for the reasons stated above, he created an unsafe, uncomfortable environment for one of his employees. How to cite Sexual Harassment Case Study, Free Case study samples Sexual Harassment Case Study Free Essays Individual Case Study #1 1. Is there a case of sexual harassment in this situation or is it only fun? This is a case of sexual harassment because; the words and actions of fellow employees ultimately made Rosetta quit her job. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Harassment Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now The technical definition of harassment is when members of an organization treat an employee in a different manner due to that person’s sex, race, religion, age, and etc. Harassment also includes unwelcomed remarks or jokes which make the employee feel uncomfortable. These guys that Rosetta had been working with, as she mentioned were making remarks and asking uncomfortable questions regarding her personal relationships (asking about her boyfriend, asking intimate details and asking if she prefers Canadian men over Italian men), the guys made dirty jokes and purposely made sure that Rosetta heard them, which is another sign of harassment – its causes Rosetta to feel awkward and embarrassed at her workplace (somewhere where she should feel comfortable and safe). Not only, do these guys make dirty jokes, but the manager, Al also contributes and encourages these guys regardless if it’s making another employee uncomfortable. These guys make fun of Rosetta when she comes into work, with remarks like calling her â€Å"Risotto† which in Italian means rice with gravy, not only is this an unwelcomed remark, its taunting her and insulting towards her Italian culture. Another form is harassment is displaying is offensive or pornographic items in a workplace environment. According to Rosetta, these guys post centrefolds pinned on their machines, which are pictures of nude or almost nude women. This is highly inappropriate for the work environment and makes Rosetta uncomfortable. When Rosetta asked these men from refraining to asking awkward and inappropriate questions and to leave her alone, they said that â€Å"Italians are just braggarts† which is derogatory and condescending term against her race. Sexual harassment; a form of harassment, was also present in this situation. Sexual harassment has three different characteristics; the first one being that the encounters must be unwelcomed to the complainant, expressly or implicitly known by the responder to be unwelcomed. This applies to this situation because Rosetta let the guys knows that she did not like the remarks by sayings â€Å"leave me alone† and â€Å"mind your own business† and they still continue to make remarks which leads to the second characteristic; conduct must continue despite the complainant protests, finally the third characteristic is complainants cooperation must be due to employment related threats. Rosetta suffered and took the harassment for so long from the fear of the manager, and being fired from her job. 2. If you were Eva, what would-and could-you do? What are the options? What is the probability of success of each option? Rosetta faced indirect systematic discrimination, which indicates that there is no intention to discriminate, but the system, arrangements, or policies allow it to happen. To begin with, Eva could have talked to the Manager, which she had and it didn’t lead her to positive results. So, she could either go above the manager or go directly to the Human Resource department of that company. This is a long process, which has many steps so Eva could choose to go to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The Canadian Human Rights Act is a federal law that permits discrimination anything under federal jurisdiction, for example banks, airlines, government agencies, radio and TV companies. Areas that are not covered but the federal jurisdiction are covered by the provincial human rights act. The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) is there to supervise and implement any action under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Any person/group that has reasonable ground to believe that they have been discriminated against has the right to file with CHRC. For Eva to report harassment has taken place against Rosetta, she must first take permission from Rosetta, otherwise there is a chance that her complaint could be rejected. However, there are many things that Rosetta has to be careful with, the CHRC does not accept complaints that are over a year old, if the complaint seems trivial or made in bad faith. Eva must report this problem immediately with the correct proof so her complaint wouldn’t be dismissed. After Eva has filed the complaint, it will be further investigated. It will either be ruled as substantiated or non-substantiation, if ruled substantiated, (in support of complainant) then an attempt to make a settlement will be made. If no settlement is made, then the Human Rights Tribunal Panel can be appointed to further investigate the complaint. If they find that there was discrimination against Rosetta, then she will be compensated as seen appropriate. Eva can also file a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights laws and commission, which will investigate the complaint (also with the consent of Rosetta) and a settlement will be offered to satisfy both parties if no settlement is reached, then complaint will be further investigated. Both these processes are very long, but proven in favour of the complaint many times. However, there are times where there is no discrimination/harassment found in the case. Another thing Eva could do is try to implement the employment equity program within the organization. This program (usually run by employers) is used to undo past employment discrimination and prevent future discrimination and create equal employment opportunity within the company. Eva, with the help of the HR department could use this program and the example of Rosetta to prevent future situations like this by educating the employees about the laws, and diversity. It can also help undo the harassment that Rosetta faced. . What are Al’s responsibilities in this instance? Did he carry them out well? Why or why not? Employers, or managers have one basic responsibility towards their employees, which is to provide a safe environment for their employees and Al, as the manager failed to do so. The job of managers/supervisors is to know the law and to implement it within their organization/team. His responsibility is to be aware of what harassment is, different types of harassments a nd the signs of harassed workers. His responsibility as a manager was to put a stop to the harassment and discrimination Rosetta was facing, and report those employees to the Human Resources Department or to the CHRC. Not only did he fail to put a stop to the harassment, he failed to report it and was also part taking in the harassment by encouraging the jokes those guys were making that made Rosetta feel uncomfortable. Another responsibility of a manager is to have good communication not only within the team members but good employee-to-manager communication which is failed to establish with Rosetta. She did not feel comfortable talking to her manager about the harassment, which ultimately made her quit her job because she felt she had no one to talk to and ask for help. Al, also fails to recognize the harassment happening and blames it on Rosetta not being able to take the jokes lightly and took the accusation of Rosetta being harassed very lightly. He did not carry his responsibilities out well for the reasons stated above, he created an unsafe, uncomfortable environment for one of his employees. How to cite Sexual Harassment Case Study, Free Case study samples